whole  whole   half   whole  whole  whole  half

step     step    step   step    step     step    step

whole    whole   half     whole  whole  whole    half

 step     step     step    step     step     step     step

Lesson 9
Now lets add some notes and make chords from our scale
Diatonic = means all the chords and scale notes are part of the key with no alterations or accidentals.
Triad = means a 3 note chord
This is what the scale looks like if you just used 1 string
The distance between any two notes is called an interval
We add 1 more note to the top of the triad to make it into a 7th chord
The Mute Symbol is an "X"
Strum the guitar while lightly palm muting the strings with left hand in chord position

Let's review the C Major Scale from lesson 3